Tyler Feinstein

Tyler lives in Santa Clarita with his family. He graduated from Valencia high school in 2021 but had to spend 2020-2021 mostly from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic spreading across America at the time. After graduating Tyler wanted a job best suited for his passion for sports and found an excellent opportunity at the Sports Mentoring Group. He learned under President Michael Madden and well known sportscaster Isaac Lowenkron in 2023.

Top 5 Snowmen In Media

Christmas is filled with plenty of wonderful characters that make you feel warm inside whenever you see them, such as Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, Jack Frost, Rudolph the Red Nosed…

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Top 5 Christmas Villains

Christmas media isn’t very well known for its villains but they definitely command attention whenever they make an appearance. In this article I will go over the top 5 Christmas…

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